Strona: Kolejny artykuł KIiGW: Energies 2023, 16(2), 934 / Katedra Infrastruktury i Gospodarki Wodnej

Kolejny artykuł KIiGW: Energies 2023, 16(2), 934


Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z artykułem pt. "Greywater as a Future Sustainable Energy and Water Source: Bibliometric Mapping of Current Knowledge and Strategies"

Autorzy: dr inż. Sabina Kordana-Obuch, dr inż. Mariusz Starzec, mgr inż. Michał Wojtoń, prof. dr hab. inż. Daniel Słyś

Energies 2023, 16(2), 934; 

Abstrakt artykułu: The use of greywater reduces the consumption of many resources and is an effective tool for achieving Sustainable Development Goals. In order to assess the rationality of its use as an alternative source of energy and water in buildings, a holistic literature review was carried out based on a bibliometric analysis of publications in these fields. The main bibliographic source was the Web of Science database. This review contributed to a better understanding of the analyzed research field. It also revealed trends in greywater energy recovery and recycling research, indicating that these are developing fields. In recent years, there has been a marked increase in the number of publications on the most popular ways of using greywater in buildings, with the territorial scope of research carried out in the greywater recycling domain being considerably larger than research on greywater energy recovery. The analysis revealed poor cooperation between different universities, especially in the field of greywater energy recovery. In light of previous literature reviews, some important research gaps and further proposals for future research were also identified. They concern, in particular, the simultaneous use of greywater as an alternative source of energy and water. Together with the findings of other researchers and people related to the subject matter, this review can contribute to the further development of greywater energy recovery systems and greywater recycling systems.

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